

Dr. Alfred Jones, Jr. was born in Ruther Glen, Virginia where his walk with God was fueled under the loving tutelage of his parents, the Late Deaconess Isaline Jones and the Late Deacon Alfred Jones, Sr. He is the eldest of eleven children and as a child he attended the public schools of Caroline County, Virginia.

Dr. Jones accepted Christ as his personal Savior at an early age and joined Mount Oni Baptist Church and remained a faithful member until God called him to the Gospel Ministry. His over 55 years of pastoral excellence began in 1963 at Ephesus Baptist Church (West Point, VA), four years later (1967), he was called to pastor Third Mount Zion Baptist Church (Woodford, VA) and seven years later (1974) he was chosen to shepherd Mount Zion Baptist Church (Triangle, VA). Since his installation as pastor of Mount Zion Baptist Church, he has been instrumental to its growth from small congregation to a congregation of over 2000 which includes a ministerial staff of 30 sons and daughters. This growth led to the development of five fundamental ministries which consists of the Evangelism, Inspired Arts, Christian Education, Discipleship Building and Family Life Principles and later on, 37 subordinate ministries were birthed which operate in a multi-million dollar 75,000 square foot sanctuary and multi-purpose facility.

Under the pastoral leadership of Dr. Jones, various programs were established that include: Financial Support, clothing assistance and a Food Pantry. 

These programs have all extended not only to the local communities, but worldwide missions as well. He is often quoted as saying that Mount Zion is a church where “Everybody Is Somebody!”.

Dr. Jones’ has attended the Washington Bible College, Washington Baptist Seminary and Virginia Union University School of Theology. He was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree from Triangle Bible Institute, Triangle, Virginia. 

His affiliations and memberships include but are not limited to: The Baptist General Convention of Virginia, National Baptist Convention, USA Inc., Progressive National Baptist Convention, Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention, Hampton University Ministers Conference, Northern Virginia Clergy Ministers Conference Chairman of the Northern Virginia Baptist Association’s Evangelistic Committee and past Co-president of the Eastern Prince William Ministerial Association and former Chaplain for Sentara Hospital located in Woodbridge, Virginia. Dr. Jones is the former 1st  Vice Moderator of the Northern Virginia Baptist Association, and former Chaplain for the Prince William County Police Department.

Serving the Lord, family and education are three priorities for Dr. Jones. He is a true servant of God because on many occasions he reminds others that it is not enough to give charity, but rather it is one’s duty to see to that he helps to build a society where charity will not be necessary – a society where people will feel free to worship God in spirit and in truth; a society where no sick person will go unattended; a society where no person will go without adequate employment and a society where good schools will be provided for all. This is why he refers to himself as a “Servant who must be about his Father’s business!”

Dr. Jones is a much-sought Gospel preacher who is known for his unique, uncompromising, bold and practical approach to the Bible, and has encouraged thousands to pursue a personal relationship with God. He is truly committed to bringing the “Good News of Jesus Christ” to people all over the world, literally changing the world, one person at a time. Dr. Jones and his wife, Deaconess Goldie Jones, have six children and reside in Stafford, Virginia.

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